Knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door....

Upper6 Drama 08/09 presents
Knockin' On Heaven's Door

That's the title of our play. Why? We thought it would be interesting naming it after a Bob Dylan song for Mr. S who is leaving, though the content of the song have absolutely nothing to do with the play. Anyway, I know we finished it ages ago but I still wanna blog about it anyway.
Our play was very simple. It had no storyline. It had no dialogues. It had nothing that most play would have. Heck..It didn't even have a proper stage. We chose the art centre staircase as our acting area and it should be the first in KTJ history to have an exam piece there. Basically, our play was about the Seven Deadly Sins. We screamed, crawled to earth, acted hysterical, became puppets, descended to hell, became demons, tried to kill ach other, die again, and went to heaven.

Our stage

Walk into the light

I played Anger. I actually wanted Lust but Leila wanted it more, so I decided on Anger instead. It was a sort of a challege because I have this perpectual smile etched on my face but I managed to change that smile into a scowl. As a Poe fan, I just had to incorporate something Poe into my monologue. I based my monologue on 'The tell-tale heart', I just had to change the dementia into rage. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, I just had to keep a straight face while screaming. Oh..I love screaming at people. I wish I could do it more often just that I don't want to be sent to a mental institute.
I insisted on doing a dance in the hell scene after watching so much videos of 'So you think you can dance'. It was hard to find music that sounded remotely angry so I chose 'Warriors' from Lord of the Dance. It was kinda weird dancing contemporary to Irish music but it was fun. I scared a hell load of people in the process. I am not exactly pleased with the dance itself, but what more could be done in such a short time. I did managed to throw in a few of my favourite moves. Pas de chat, step, Grand pas de chat, step, pas de chat, fall. Ballet to Irish music. I would like to meet another dunderhead who could think of this. I am never going to show Ms. Yeu this video.

Cast and crew

Oh, and I got full marks!!! Yay!! But so did everyone else. Oh well, it was sorta a group effort anyway. I have to thank God for giving me the strength to last throughout the entire play. I swear I was getting lightheaded during the freeze. And I shall never look at James' face ever again. I froze at the wrong moment which meant that I had to stare at him for the next 8 minutes or so without moving an inch of muscle. Very smart Deborah..very smart indeed. Oh's all over now.
I miss it though. Especially the screaming. Oh well, we'll see what the next play brings forth..


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