Time is ticking..ticking away

Today me and Tania came to the realisation that our lives are extremely defective at this moment in time. 

When we cry (cry over unfinished drama course work), though we try (try so hard to finish it), say goodbye (bye to our sanity) cause time is ticking ticking....

Just a random update

Oh dear, I seemed to have left this blog for the dump. Oh well, life is getting harder to control by the minute. I am completely stress out at this moment, with a huge pile of unfinished drama course work (not my fault, I've done my part), unfinished Elit text (not my fault either), unstudied Geography (ok, this is actually my fault), uncompleted accommodation form (thanks to my indecisiveness)
and on-coming exams that I am utterly unprepared for. Aiuto....
I despise Larkin though I have to admit that he is a literary genius. His poems give me the creeps. Thanks to him, I have images of 'children strewn on steps' and little lambies chopped up into chops. How can anyone be happy being unhappy most of the time? One more term and it's all over. I am gonna miss my art centre room most, it's hell loads bigger than my room at home. And this time, I actually have to kiss my uniform-wearing days good bye. I do like uniforms, even though it may be similar to KFC's one, saves me the time and effort to think what I have to wear to class. 
I am worried about drama. Firstly, we have only officially completed 1 unit out of 6. Secondly, we haven't rewritten notes for unit 3 because Ms Sarah hasn't gotten the 'Three' video off Helena. Thirdly, no one has bothered to mark my Unit 1 and 4 though I completed it last year. Fourthly, we haven't even started on unit 6 yet and there are 2 plays to write notes on. And finally, I have no idea what grades I will be getting for unit 4 and 5's performance. Teachers may say one thing but examiners might say another. And judging from the low quality video that we've produced, the possibility of them thinking a different spectrum is quite likely. How can anyone not be irked to the point of wanting to break everything in sight with a baseball bat? If I have a baseball bat and no morals...grrr... 
Oh bother...

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