Arrivederci 2007!!

I've neglected my blog for some time now, in fact, almost a month. Since its almost the end of 2007 or already the end of 2008 depending on where you are at this particular moment, I think that now would be a great time to recollect all that had happen in this rather special year. 
Lets start at the beginning of 2007, 1st of January 2007 to be exact. I was still in Italy, having a party in a not-so-close-to-Andrea friend's house. It wasn't a great party but its an eye opener to how Italians celebrate New Year considering that I had spent the last 17 New Years doing nothing but wait for the fireworks. For that one and a half month left in Italy, I continued with my weekend habits of going clubbing, travelling with AFS, flunking in school tests, and stuffing myself with as much pasta as possible. To sum it all up, my life in Italy was easy and blissful as all I need to worry about is not getting run over by a FIAT. To complete my stay, my host brought me to Venice. Ahh...Venice..Truthfully, it really isn't as nice as I thought it would be. All of the buildings are old and look as if it might crumble down any moment, plus the stench of the clogged up canals and the incredulous amount of tourist, I wasn't exactly excited to be walking along the streets of this floating city. However, it was still an enjoyable trip. Basillica San Marco was absolutely breathtaking. From the gold mosaic of the facade to the sacred feeling inside the church, it is just beyond words. Italy was fun, life was easy, but all that change once I got back to Malaysia. 
Once I was back home, I had to fulfill my 'duty' to the country. Yes. I just happened to be one of the lucky 30% of 18-years-old to get selected for National Service. To all that says National Service was the best thing that happened in their life (believe me, there are people like that), well, I am glad that you enjoyed it and hope that you benefited from it more than I did. As for me, I despise the whole concept of it. Sorry for being blunt, but I absolutely hated the whole thing. I hate being told to do things that are unnecessary and non-beneficial in any way to me. Ask me if I am more patriotic, I could laugh this instant. Despite all the stupidity, I managed to survive the three grueling months and made a couple of friends along the way. From NS, I learnt that I am an expert on portraying a sick person till the extent of receiving an injection and really getting sick. 
After NS, I had a month of freedom. Yes. A month of doing absolutely nothing but sleepovers at Gracie's or Glad's. It was during this month that I did some of the lamest, moronic, retarded things ever. From doing a music video of Spicegirls, 'Wannabe' to baking a cake that wouldn't solidify to dancing on the para-pare machine. I believed that IQ has seriously decrease a few notches during this period. 
(as I type this, 2008 had just arrived)
As August approaches, I prepare myself for the ultimate challenge of the year. Boarding school. I didn't have the slightest clue on how boarding school life would be like. I actually assumed it to be like something out of an Enid Blyton story, strict rules, midnight feasts and so on. After my first term in KTJ, I have to say that I actually quite enjoy it. The rules isn't as strict compared to Metho's and my schedule is pretty packed. Well, if Bio, Chem and Maths is the death combo as Jade had written, then my combo could as well be called the doom combo. I seriously didn't expect myself to be taking such a combination. Math, I am a chinese, of course I have to do math, its tradition. English literature, all I can say is Andrea better be right that literature is useful. Drama, I guess NS had actually helped me discover my desire for it. Geography, a tribute to Mdm Choa. KTJ might come off as a jail to some but the highly adaptable me is still ok with it for now. 
As for the one month holiday, I haven't exactly done anything productive. I think I manage to loose a bit of weight during all the practices for the showcase. The performance that day didn't go as well as I had hoped. My foot is still giving me problems and I am already on the verge of giving up entirely on taking the ballet exam. Oh well...blame it all on basketball. On another note, my solo went perfect, well not exactly perfect perfect, but just perfect for me. I really enjoyed being alone on stage, doing my own choreography. Finally, months of watching videos and planning had paid off. I love that feeling of having the power to perform on stage, to show off everything I had to offer, to mesmerize (well, hopefully) the crowd, to hear the applauding crowd at the wonder ballerinas love their job. 
Moving on, I went to Sabah for Steven's wedding. I seriously can't believe so many of my many cousins are getting married. Anyway, I stayed with Tania in her ginormous house for two days before leaving for Hyatt. Best part about the whole trip was going into 'Shinanegans' with Nat, Dan and Lenny. This is the first pub I went in Malaysia since coming back from Italy. The pub was crazy!!! It was packed, the noise was deafening, people were scuttling up the bar to get their drink, all in all, it was Crazy with a capital C!! Lenny ordered me a Mai Tai which of course I don't know consist of what but drank it anyway cause it's sweet. There was this crazy German couple who could really move on the dance floor. I had a heck of a time. 
My holidays are almost over and I still have an essay to complete. Looking back at 2007, its been a wild year. I had done things which I myself never expected myself to do, I went half way round the world, I went skiing, I went clubbing, I did lightings for a musical, I choreograph a dance, I pretended to be a guy. To sum it all up, I learnt a lot about myself and people around. 

Arrivederci 2007 e Benvenuto 2008!!

A Promotion and a Funeral

I just got the news yesterday that Maurice Bejart had passed away!!!


Modern Ballet has lost one of its most important choreographers....

This is shocking news to me as I didn't anticipate that he would be gone so soon. Just think of all the wonderful creations still inside his mind that had died together with him. He revolutionise the ballet world, modernizing his work yet still preserving the excellence of classical ballet. A great lost to the ballet world..

Moving on to some good news...There is a new Etoile in town.. PRESENTING:

Dorothee is now Etoile with Paris Opera. Truthfully, I didn't expect her to get promoted so fast, a few more years as Premiere Danseur would have been good to gain experience. Anyway, congratulation to Dorothee, now she joins the rank of legendary stars such as Guillem and Chauvire.

I love this picture of her.

The perfection of her body line, enhance by her high arches, head held high according to the height of her arabesque, strong yet soft at the same time...Just a perfect picture...

My 18th Birthday Bash

For the first time in 18 years, I didn’t wake up to the sound of mum calling me down for breakfast on the 6th of November. Instead, I woke up dreadfully sleepy and having 10 minutes more to rush to class.

At 12.30 am that day, Suba threw a surprise birthday party for me at LR 8. Well, it would have been a surprise if Christin was a better liar. Anyhow, they got matron to buy a cake from Mantin earlier that day. A few upper 6ers and lower 6ers came to celebrate this ‘wonderful’ occasion. Well, to cut the story short, we had cake, chatted for a while before the u6ers have to leave to study for the econs paper the next day. In the end, there was only Tania, Cher Waye, Tian Huey and Miao Shan in the room and they stayed chatting till 2am. Well, that explains my weariness in the morning.

I was kinda zombie like when I reached math class. Once I got in, I took my seat and went straight back to sleep. I didn’t really remember much of what happened then. I just remembered that Pobee was sick and we got a bunch of work from Mr Venga but we were free to go. Oh yea, just want to thank Zhi Wei for being somewhat enthusiastic about my birthday….

Anyway, I went back to my room and slept until Christin woke me up to go to English lit class. Jessica got me a present, wrapped in Golden wrapping paper and asked me to open it in class. And guess what!!! It is a piggy bank….a most peculiar piggy bank I assure you…it goes ‘oink oink oink’ when you put coins in….The whole class was pretty amused with it. I asked Mr Suresh for a coin to test it…He gave me his perpetual dumbfounded look when I told him I wanted to test it. Too bad he didn’t have it so I tried stuffing a paper down to see if it worked…and it did!!! ‘oink oink oink’ and was followed by ‘ooo’s and ‘aahhh’s from the others. So the piggy was passed around for everyone to try and more ‘ooo’s and ‘aahhh’s followed.

Mr Suresh: ‘apparently, it isn’t hard to amuse lower 6ers’ (in his usual sarcastic tone) Then he did the most horrific, awful, horrendous, dreadful, appalling, despicable, wicked, vile, inexcusable thing ever!!! He took my piggy….and put it beside him…everyone sat silently staring at the piggy, before he decided that he better put the piggy on that chair instead. Well, the lesson went on as usual until the ‘crocodile’ incident…That was the funniest, lamest, hilarious, stupidest thing that has I have ever encountered in my 13 years of school life…and best of all, it all happened on my birthday.

For drama, we went up to Miss Belinda’s flat to watch the last act of ‘Top Girls’. The perfect way to end the day’s lesson. For dinner, Jessica brought her Balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Nesha started the birthday song… ‘Happy birthday to you….happy birthday to Debsicca…..’ I found that hilarious… We wanted to offer a bit of vinegar to Mr Suresh before realizing we better not in case we accidentally send him to the hospital again.

To sum it all up, it was an exciting day especially in Elit class. To all those who wished me a Happy Birthday: Thanks sooo much. Love y’all. Muaks!!!

ps: the croc incident is a secret between the elit students but I think word would get around somehow…

Non Voglio Tornare!!!

Tommorow I would have to fly all the way to KL and take a taxi to a college in the middle of no where...It is the second time this year which I have used the above sentence...and this time, instead of not wanting to go home, I don't want to leave home. *deep sigh* How time passes.....Just seems like yesterday, I was freezing my butt off in front of the Alitalia, not wanting to get on...Oh well, life's like that!!!
I decided to drop accounting since it's taking a toll on my happiness and guess what, I will be taking up art...Why art? Well, I have absolutely no idea...I am desperate to drop accounting and am willing to take up anything else to make up for it. This is quite interesting cause my drawing skills is equivalent to a monkey's...Let's just say, I am brilliant at producing chaotic art!! Good luck to me!!

Anyway, I found this pretty interesting. A parody of Psalm 23.

A Student Psalm
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not flunk;
He keepeth me from lying down when I should be studying.
He leadeth me beside the water cooler for a study break;
He restores my faith in study guides.
He leads me to better study habits for my grades' sake,
Yea, tho' I walk thru the valley of borderline grades,
I will not have a nervous breakdown; for Thou art with me;
My prayers and my friends, they comfort me.
Thou givest me the answers in moments of blankness;
Thou anointest my head with understanding,
My test paper runneth over with questions I recognise.
Surely passing grades and flying colors
Shall follow me all the days of examinations,
And I shall not have to dwell in this university forever !
Amen !

A symbol of Beauty, Elegance and Grace

I adore her. I am devoted to her. I idolize her.

Aurelie Dupont of Paris Opera Ballet. Etoile. What is so special about her? Repeatedly have I ask myself the same question over and over again, pondering upon thoughts after thoughts, hoping one of them would be a satisfying answer.

So what exactly has captivated me? She is not as eminent as certain dancers, only known by a few. She will never achieve fame like the Great Fonteyn or Plisetskaya.

She doesn’t have a pretty face like Semionova or Dvorovenko.

She doesn’t have potent jetes like Alexandrova.

She doesn’t have the flexibility or control like Guillem.

She doesn’t have legs and arches like Zakharova.

She doesn’t create strong emotions like Ferri.

Maybe it’s because she doesn’t have anything special and that’s what makes her special to me.

Maybe it's her normal 100 degree arabesque, not too high not to low.

Maybe it's her slight wobble during the Rose Adagio. Quite normal for most dancers.

Maybe it's the coldness of her French style. Her dancing doesn't give out a fuzzy warm feeling like British dancers.

Maybe it's just everything put together with exact precision. She is perfect the way I see her. Nothing extreme. Just perfect on the right note.

Yes, I absolutely adore her to bits. So basically, this is a small tribute to the awesomous dancer that I have ever seen, Aurelie Dupont.

Ignorance is bliss!!

As days pass into weeks, a mind boggling thought emerges from the subconcious mind. Each day, I walk down the same old path, heading towards the sixth form, returning at certain hours of the day. I am worried, worried about what the future holds. Am I making the right choice? Well, I decided I did. But some people seem to think differently.

A certain somebody told me I had to be practical, more or less stating that a science kid is far more superior than an average artsy kid. Well, to not take that as an insult would be an insult itself to all the great ancient philosophers. I know the chinese mentality that most of us grew up in but to say that certain subjects are useless is being plain ignorant to the oncoming world. How so would you define useless? Taking Biology, Chemistry or Physics doesn't make you any smarter than someone taking History, Philosophy or Literature.

So should I be angry at a certain ignorant person? The answer is No. Instead, I should pity that kind of person, I feel sad that they do not understand how the world works. Only murdering their tiny brain cells with information without truly understanding it. A person starts off with nothing, but slowly builds up his or her understanding, so goes for the world. Theories wasn't just there, it was thought upon by geniuses beyond our generation.

Why do certain people think that only sciences are useful? Was it not that the ancient Greek philosphers that came out with most of what we learn in our modern text books? Or do they simply don't care but just digest information without much knowlegde involved?

It's sad when you see people like that. And it's even sadder when they just refuse to listen to other people's ideas. Only now, I truly understand the meaning of the title above. And I am glad that at least, I would give myself a chance to understand the real meaning of knowledge.

In the moment of despair

Yes, I am facing hardship here. Yes, I am deeply troubled right now. And yes, I am almost in despair. First, I am worried, really really worried actually. I can't finish my prep. Not just I can't finish, I don't know how to finish my prep.
As days turn into weeks, the burden within grows with astonishing speed. The dilemas in my mind expand furiously, breaking into every bit, troubling me endlessly. Deadlines unmet, yet I sit here, half wondering what to do, other half refusing what I should do. Worries, I can't stop worrying yet I can't take the initiative to stop it. Despair creeps from behind, circling my thoughts, blanketing every piece of my soul..
But, there is always hope. There will always be someone to lend a helping hand, someone to trust. As time moves on, so do I. Bit by bit, hope pieces everything together. From all the essays I have to write to all the sports all I have to do. Yes, I can do it. Yes, nothing is gonna stop me. Yes, I know I can. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger!! So to whoever is facing difficulties now, don't give up. You're not going to die, unless your problem is really really serious and involves death if not solved, but that's hardly the case. So I guess the point of this post is just to say, in every moment of despair, there always hope, and our human instint would basically not lead us continuosly in despair but try to turn it around.

Ps: If you are wondering what I am desparing about, well, I got 7 essays to complete right now plus some tests next week.

Welcome to Deb's personal blog

Welcome my good people to my personal blog. I decided to make my own blog since I can't really post what's going on around me on losers and lamers unless what goes on around is really loseristic. Well, this is my comfort zone, where I can complain all I want, pour our all my incredible sometimes pathetic thoughts here. So, if you can't stand me nagging and complaining well, too bad then when you accidentally stumbled across my blog. So, that basically my kinda vague and lame intro. Ciao!!

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